2. Running the programs

The software package MVI uses five general codes:

  • PFWEIGHT: calculates the depth weighting function.

  • MVIFWD: performs forward modelling.

  • MVISEN: calculates sensitivity.

  • MVIINV: performs 3D magnetic vector inversion.

This section discusses the use of these codes individually.

2.1. Introduction

All programs in the package can be executed under Windows or Linux environments. They can be run by typing the program name followed by a control file in the command prompt (Windows) or terminal (Linux). They can be executed directly on the command line or in a shell script or batch file. When a program is executed without any arguments, it will print the usage to screen.

2.1.1. Execution on a single computer

The command format and the control, or input, file format on a single machine are described below. Within the command prompt or terminal, any of the programs can be called using:

program arg\(_1\) [arg\(_2\) \(\cdots\) arg\(_i\)]


  • program: the name of the executable

  • arg\(_i\): a command line argument, which can be a name of corresponding required or optional file. Typing as the control file, serves as a help function and returns an example input file. Some executables do not require control files and should be followed by multiple arguments instead. This will be discussed in more detail later in this section. Optional command line arguments are specified by brackets: [ ]

Each control file contains a formatted list of arguments, parameters and filenames in a combination and sequence specific for the executable, which requires this control file. Different control file formats will be explained further in the document for each executable.

2.1.2. Execution on a local network or commodity cluster

The MVI program library’s main programs are currently not implemented to use Message Pass Interface (MPI).

2.2. Input and output files