2.2.1. MVIFWD

This program performs forward modelling. Command line usage:

mvifwd mesh.msh obs.loc model.fld [topo.dat]

and will create the forward modelled data file mvifwd.mag. Input files

All files are in ASCII text format - they can be read with any text editor. Input files can have any name the user specifies. Details for the format of each file can be found in Section [Elements]. The files associated with are:

  • mesh.msh: The 3D mesh.

  • obs.loc: The observation locations.

  • model.fld: The magnetic vector components model in X,Y,Z (Cartesian) coordinates.

  • topo.dat: Surface topography (optional). If omitted, the surface will be treated as being flat and the top of the 3D mesh. Output file

The created file is mvifwd.mag. The file format is that of the data file without the associated standard deviations. The forward modelled data are in nT.